and immigrants has led to Super-gonorrhoea EPIDEMIC

A STARK warning has been sounded by health chiefs after a shocking rise in super-gonorrhoea cases.

By Lucy Domachowski /

Medical expert warns dating apps could be causing rise in STDs

Current Time 0:21
Duration 1:25

The sexually transmitted infection (STI) is gaining resistance against antibiotics, according to medics who say cases are soaring in Britain.

A report by Public Health England (PHE) has revealed resistance to three of the key drugs used to treat the infection - ciprofloxacin, cefixime and azithromycin - has grown.

It comes as cases of the STI soar.

SUPER GONORRHOEA: 'It’s just a matter of time before we have a untreatable gonorrhoea epidemic' (Pic: GETTY)

Last month, it was revealed rates of

One Brit contracted the “worst case ever” of super-gonorrhoea after he romped with a woman in south-east Asia.

Figures from 2017 show ciprofloxacin is now powerless in 36.4% of cases of gonorrhoea - a rise from 33.7% in 2016.

While azithromycin was resistant in 9.2% of cases compared to 4.7% the year before.

(Pic: GETTY)

Gonorrhoea is the second most common form of STI in England.

More than 78 million people are infected with it in the world each year according to the World Health Organisation.

Dr Helen Fifer, PHE consultant microbiologist, said: “Gonorrhoea can be serious if untreated, with possible long term health problems including infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.

"The best way to protect yourself is to always use condoms with new and casual partners.

(Pic: GETTY)

(Pic: GETTY)

“Last year new cases of gonorrhoea increased by 22 per cent in England with many cases becoming more resistant to antibiotics. We expect to see further cases of antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea in the future, which will be challenging for healthcare professionals to manage."

The warning comes after Daily Star Online revealed randy students could spark a super gonorrhoea epidemic as freshers bounce to different sexual partners in UK universities, experts warn.

Leading STI experts exclusively told us it’s just a matter of time before we have virtually untreatable gonorrhoea epidemic in the UK as randy Brit students sleep around more frequently, antibiotics fail and sexual health funding dries up.